Works San José and SOAC came together to produce the “Tierra y Raices” gallery. Community members got to step through La Plaza’s doors to embrace the down-to-earth art installations by San José’s finest artists. The co-produced exhibition went on from March 10 – 31 2023.
A special performance by MovingGround collaborators was created for the closing reception of the gallery. This interactive, site-specific experience encapsulated our senses of sight, sound, movement, and touch as we connected with the land and trees, celebrating our shared ancestry of earth and roots (tierra y raíces).
About Works/San José: Founded in 1977 by local artists, Works/San José is an all-volunteer, non-profit, alternative art and performance center dedicated to providing a venue for artists, ideas, and images that expand the scope of cultural and artistic experience.
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About the School of Arts and Culture: The School of Arts and Culture at the Mexican Heritage Plaza is a vibrant, cultural institution in East San José. La Plaza’s mission is to catalyze creativity and empower community by uplifting East San José’s rich diversity through authentic placekeeping and relevant multicultural productions.