the limblimb project included
several years of research & exploration, in which DeNio & collaborators investigated questions surrounding [human | animal instincts, boundaries, territory & survival]. the limblimb project workshops & residencies took place with collaborators in San Francisco (movement theater workshops, counterPULSE), New Mexico
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(film & photo project, Madrid), New York City (Bronx Academy of Arts & Dance), and Western Massachusetts (Earthdance).
During this research period, casino jameshallison DeNio realized that the exploration would best be served by working directly with veterans of war, those who had experienced perhaps some of the most visceral and direct relationships with the reality of instincts, territory, survival. Considering herself a “civilian ally-in-training”, DeNio participated in workshops & training with Lovella Callica & the Warrior Writers project and veteran artists. This research laid the foundation for the CONTACT project, and served as mini-studies of their own.